This was my treehouse. Built by my dad and brothers, this cottage in the woods was unbelievable in its artistry and charm. I was a lucky little girl growing up in small-town America - Sanford, North Carolina. I remember playing here with friends and standing on the porch looking at my home thinking of mom, probably in her apron, probably preparing a picnic snack for me to enjoy in the treehouse. There was a red, wooden table shaped like an apple with a funny hole in the middle for hiding things. I wish I could recall more. I do know this was ground central for all my outdoor wanderings, my conversations with Pooh, my attempts to scale my brother Paul Gibson’s enormously high - really in the trees - treehouse, collecting things for that little “basket” in the apple. Check out the podacst Views from the Treehouse and you’ll hear my conversation with Matt Perry and Andy Thompson where we discuss the genesis of Basket & Bike which apparently has roots as deep as my subconscious singing “Carolina in my Mind”. Go figure that Matt & Andy have telepathy and found that perfect song to open this episode of their awesome podcast (without ever discussing the James Taylor song).
On January 31, 2020, I climbed a lengthy spiral staircase hugging the trunk of a massive tree to find myself in the studio treehouse of Andy Thompson and Matt Perry. All about the business of the outdoors, these guys know how to rock a podcast in a tree. Owners of Riverside Outfitters, Richmond's Rafting/Kayaking/Tree Climbing/Summer Camping Mecca, aka RO, these terrific men are sharing their passion for living a life focused on the outside. In their two-year-old podcast, one in which they have interviewed the AMAZING former head of the James River Parks System, Ralph White more than once because he is JUST THAT GOOD, they get real with RVA's outdoor leaders - 20 feet up in a tree. I'd been pinching myself since we set the date for me to come on over and have a chat about Basket & Bike. So here I was, settling in for a delightful morning in the trees. And now, here it is. The Podcast dropped last week. When you have about 40 minutes, go have a listen to this fun-filled exchange that even through the giggles had Matt & Andy saying what thrilled my ears and warmed my heart, that the connection part is what you're after, that what Basket & Bike appears to be doing is connecting people to beauty and to love in many different ways."
Of the many threads (you'll hear 'Maymont' from my first book of poetry, Flight: of butterflies and robins and other winged dreams) running through my conversation with Matt and Andy for "Views from the Treehouse" the quote that started this email, and their remarks about connection, capture the thread I hope most to weave with you into a deeper tapestry this year. 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, this year on Wednesday, April 22, and so, since many hearts and hands bring forth the richest colors, it is a fitting time to RIDE • SAVOR • CONNECT together in honor of Mother Earth so dear. Let's feel the energy in nature and listen to the trees. Let's pay attention to love. Let's gather our bikes and our baskets for new experiences in the natural splendor of Virginia and feel the breath of life right beneath our wheels. Let’s glide deeper into beauty and awe.
photo credit Thomas Hash