is Something More

Founder, Anne Poarch on the veranda at Upper Shirley Vineyards, home of our Signature Bike Rides

BASKET & BIKE is a chance for recreation, exercise, and good times with friends. It’s also something more. It’s a new way of looking at the beauty around us. A new way of looking at the history that shaped our Commonwealth, and our nation. A new way of looking at ourselves. 

Rolling along quietly at ten miles per hour, you see things you might miss from the car.
-The laughter of children playing in the schoolyard.
-A bevy of wild turkeys picking at a freshly cut field of corn.
- A great blue heron arcing across the sky with the grace of eternity beneath her wings. 

Our minds are made to ask questions, and to probe for understanding and thought.
Our hearts, though, long to touch places that speak to us as people.
To gain the insights of the soul.
To feel the rain on our parka, the wind in our hair, and the sunshine across our face.

We want to be out there, don’t we? 

We want to glide deeper into beauty and awe. That, to me, is what BASKET & BIKE is all about. 

In 2015 I left the world of finance to start BASKET & BIKE. I’d been biking down the graceful avenues of Richmond to local farmers markets and corner cafes on my dutch-style bike with a basket. My bike opened up new worlds to me - new places to discover, so much to learn. And, as I pedaled my way across each little journey, there was so much I wanted to share; I believed others would want to come along for the ride. 

My hope is that you will come along and experience beauty with us.

With Love from Virginia,

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Anne Poarch • Founder • BASKET & BIKE